3poli Robotics is an educational institution that follows modern global curriculum specialized in innovating, assembling, and programming robots and smart machines.

3poli Robotics seeks to promote the scientific concepts for different ages, starting from kindergarten and ending with the university students, opening for them wild horizons and job opportunities in accordance with their future specialization.

3poli Robotics ’ Objectives

Tripoli Robotics Objectives

3poli Robotics aims to develop scientific interests among students at all academic levels and to identify the talents and the inner potential and strengthen them by using a studied methodology, in addition to working on building bridges between schools of advanced academic levels and the universities with everything that is linked to engineering, environmental, and geoscience majors and various modern technologies.

3poli Robotics helps the students, through a dedicated crew of professors, develop their mental abilities and encourage them to innovate and to give importance to their scientific courses, where it provides specialized educational services that operate with the principle of applied integration, which depends on allowing the scientific experiments and encouraging them for all what is theoretical in the academic curriculum, in order to prepare and strengthen the students in all the academic levels, in specific scientific topics related to the science of alternative energies and environmental education and geoscience, and specially all matters related to the science of robots from assembling, programming, and innovating.

In addition to that, it gives courses in programming the smart machines for the advanced levels.

Available Training Courses:


  • 3poli Robotics course during the academic year: (After school activities)

The course duration for each level is 32 theoretical and practical hours divided into four or five months during the academic year at a rate of one day per week, one session per day (session duration is 2 hours), the training period includes competitions and students’ robotics fair and closing ceremony.


  • 3poli Robotics course during the academic year: (During school Hours)

 The course duration for each level is 40 theoretical and practical hours divided into 24 weeks during the academic year at a rate of one day per week, one session per day (session duration is 100 min) the training period includes competitions and students’ robotics fair and closing ceremony.

  • 3poli Robotics Summer Camp:

3POLI ROBOTICS summer course is also 32 theoretical and practical hours for each level, which are given intensively during five weeks / three days per week or eight weeks / two days per week (session duration is 2 hours), at a rate of one sessions per day, the training period includes competitions and students’ robotics fair.

  • Other services

 3POLI ROBOTICS Foundation can provide schools with all necessary equipment’s to give robot activities by themselves, in addition to the latest curriculums and necessary training courses for instructors and following up with them.

3poli Robotics Strategy, Curriculums and Levels


3POLI ROBOTICS has elaborated a syllabus for 12 different levels ranging from KG level to more advanced University level. The syllabus is based on real life projects reflecting our reality and allows students to apply the theoretical subjects taught in schools, colleges and universities.

Each level consists of 32 hours covered in 16 sessions. Upon the completion of each level, a competition is organized at the level of each school, followed by a final competition between schools. Afterwards, a fair is held where participants can present and share their works. At the end, all participants are invited to a final ceremony to receive their certificates in the presence of educators, professors and intellectuals interested in education and technology.

3POLI ROBOTICS proceed their services to schools and institutions in two different ways:

  • In the first approach, the team visit schools and institutions to offer their services in their locations. In this case, they are fully in charge of the material, equipment and administrative follow up.
  • In the second case, the professional trainers undertake to provide full training of the school’s or the institution’s personnel and offer support and guidance during the period of the contract.



Methodology of teaching:

Our sessions are conducted as follows:

– First, students are shown an introductory video to present the topic of the project and its real life applications.

– Secondly, they are taught how to apply the concept through the robot.

– Thirdly, the new coding is explained to them and the previous coding are revised.

Following that, the student is assigned the mission the transmit the coding to the robot. At the end, a simulation test is done to test the robot.

It is noteworthy that each session deals with a completely different project and task.

Level 0: (Kg 2 / 3) MINIONS

From the age of Four and above, this level includes the explanation of below steps:

  • Asking questions (for science) and defining problems for engineering
  • Developing and using models
  • Planning and carrying out investigations
  • Analyzing and interpreting data
  • Using mathematics and computational thinking
  • Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions
  • Electronics parts, Motors controller and lightning
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating

Level 1: (Grade 1 / 2) EXPLORER

From the age of six plus, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:

  • Robots Technology
  • WEDO resource set
  • Reading of catalogs
  • Motor and motion sensor of « WEDO »
  • Putting the Pieces
  • The implementation of a large number of robots

Level 2: (Grade 3 / 4) DYNAMO

From the age of eight plus, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:

  • Robots Technology
  • WEDO resource set
  • Reading of catalogs
  • Motor, motion and tilt sensors of « WEDO »
  • Advanced coding
  • The implementation of a large number of robots

Level 3: (Grade 4 / 5) ENGINEER

From the age of nine plus, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:

  • Robots Technology
  • Reading of catalogs
  • Mechanical parts
  • Applied Science and Mathematics by POWER MACHINES
  • Renewable Energy, Solar energy and wind power
  • Pneumatic systems
  • The implementation of a large number of robots

Level 4: (Grade 5+) DEVELOPER

From ten years old and above, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:

  • Robots Technology
  • Reading of catalogs
  • Sensors and motors of « JIMU »
  • Putting the Pieces
  • Programming and program transfer
  • Alpha 1 Pro Robot Advanced

Level 5: (Grade 6 / 7) SMARTEENS

From the age of ten plus, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:

  • Robots Technology
  • Reading of catalogs
  • Motors of « EV3 »
  • Touch sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Color sensor
  • Assembly of parts
  • Programming and program transfer
  • Applied Science and Mathematics by « EV3 »
  • The implementation of a large number of robots

Level 6: (Grade 7+) SMARTEENS+

For trainees who have completed the fifth level, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:

  • Robots Technology
  • Reading of catalogs
  • Motors of « EV3 »
  • Touch sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Color sensor, Temperature sensor
  • Gyro sensor, Infrared sensor, Remote controller
  • Assembly of parts
  • Advanced Coding
  • Innovation and assembly of a large number of robots

Level 7: (Grade 9+) EXPERT

From the age of Fourteen plus, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:

  • Ev5 822 pcs in one box!
  • Explanation of Scratch
  • Knowing how to read the value from the sensors and display it on the screen
  • Making the robot perform special tasks
  • Condition explanation
  • Create a function
  • Programming Touch Sensor
  • Control the robot via the keyboard
  • Control the robot by touching the screen
  • Building a musical note through sound frequencies
  • Control the robot by sound frequency
  • Making the robot move specific distances
  • Making the robot to carry or pull things using a medium motor
  • Measuring distances with an ultrasonic sensor
  • Read the colors and display them on the screen through the color sensor
  • Making the robot follows the line
  • Making the robot move to a certain angle through Gyroscope sensor

Level 8: (Grade 9+) INVENTER

From the age of Fourteen plus, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:

  • Basics of Electronics ARDUINO (how to create circuits)
  • Algorithm of programming
  • lighting control, LED, RGB, Emergency lights “police, ambulance, security”
  • control the brightness of LED ” PWM pins”
  • Smart Street Light using LDR sensor.
  • Datatypes (Array, float, integer, char)
  • Motors (Servo, Stepper)
  • Remote control and IR sensor
  • Control by Joystick
  • Read variables from user
  • Send Messages and Values to LCD
  • Boolean operators “Logical AND, Logical OR”
  • Control Structure “if else statements, for and while loop, switch case”
  • 7 segments display
  • Temperature and Humidity sensor
  • Flame Sensor “fire Security”
  • Water level indicator

Level 9: (Grade 9+): SPECIALIST

For trainees who have completed the eighth level, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:
  • Basics of Electronics and Electrical
  • Algorithm of programming
  • lighting control
  • Control Structure
  • Serial Port/ Serial Read
  • Controlling via remote and IR sensor
  • Explanation of Relay “220V”
  • home lamp control circuit/ double direction
  • Bluetooth Module
  • Controlling via Phone
  • Measuring distance through Ultrasonic sensor
  • Motors (Servo, Stepper, DC) and controlled by phone
  • Car Parking system
  • Reading the sensors Value from the Phone
  • Smart Door

Level 10: (Industrial Level) LOGICAL

From the age of sixteen plus, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:

  • Intelligent Industrial Automation Technology
  • Industrial PLC
  • Readings of catalogs
  • The electrical inputs and outputs
  • Programming (ZELIO/LADDER-FBD)
  • Connecting inputs and outputs
  • Transfer program and simulation

Level 11: (Industrial Level) LOGICAL+

From the age of sixteen plus, this level includes the explanation of this below steps:

  • Intelligent Industrial Automation Technology
  • Industrial PLC
  • Readings of catalogs
  • The electrical inputs and outputs
  • Connecting inputs and outputs
  • Transfer program and simulation


Since the inception of the 3poli Educational Robotics Foundation, it has diligently pursued collaborations with educational entities to extend its services and facilitate its activities across diverse locales and societal demographics. Today, after acquiring significant experience and notable distinction in its unique curricula, under the direct supervision of GENIUS HOUSE, Trippoli Robotics Foundation has achieved what it has been aiming for over several years. It has successfully established connections with nearly a hundred educational, cultural, social, and labor entities, among the most prominent institutions nationally and internationally. These include:

Order of engineers Tripoli – Edtech Syndicate Lebanon – Chamber of commerce Tripoli – Safadi cultural center – American corner Lebanon – Elite world records – Bahaa and Hassnah Hariri foundation – city univercity – ULF – NDU – Lebanese University – IEEE Lebanon section – Rahma for special needs – Jinan University – Ahdaf school – Eshraqa academy – Iman school – Islah school – Al tarbiya lhadisa school – Rawdat al fayhaa secondary school – Skild cebter for special needs – Special kids for special needs – Arz educational compound – Tripoli Evangelical school – College nationale orthodoxe – Azm school – Al rabita lsakafiya – Wahat al farah for special needs – Al carmaliya school – college national – Dar el nour school – Antonine father schools – Roaa educational compound – Children cancer center – Mind power – World robotics olympiad – Genius house – PCA – Autodesk – and many educational centers.


Divided into four categories:

  • WEDO category from 7 to 10 years’ old
  • category from 10 to 13 years’ old
  • Elementary category from 13 to 16 years’ old
  • Senior category from 16 to 19 years’ old

WRO level is specified for the training of local and international competitions.

The special needs curriculum is inspired largely from the regular curriculum adopted by our team. However, it was adjusted to meet the special needs and demands of children with special needs such as physical, mental or learning disabilities. We do our best to combine regular classes with special needs classes. The main objective is to encourage, motivate and prepare children with special needs to the level at which they can compete and work with students operating in regular classes. The integration process of this specific category of students into regular classes is always done under the supervision of their caregivers, educators or even doctors.


The SPECIAL NEEDS’ curriculum is divided into 6 levels including the explanation of below steps:

  • Robots Technology
  • Simple & Power Machines
  • Exploring of catalogs
  • Sensors and motors
  • Assembling of Bricks
  • Programming and program transfer
  • Applied Science and Mathematics
  • The implementation of a large number of robots

3poli Robotics Equipment


In order to provide the students with all that is new and with the highest international standards, Tripoli Robotics has supplied its class rooms with the latest equipment in cooperation with major international companies such as: LEGO EDUCATION, UBTECH, ARDUINO and SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC.

The intern view for Tripoli Robotics Pedagogical Institution


After the results achieved by the activities of the Tripoli Robotics Institution for seven consecutive years in collaboration with a huge number of the most important educational and cultural institutions, in addition to the recent opening of the GENIU HOUSE LEBANON center with modern specifications and equipment, through which a large number of smart activities are carried out, it is keen to complete this process and strives to communicate its activities to all segments of society, especially:

A – People with low incomes, especially the distinguished students from public schools, orphanages, and social institutions focused on the school dropping out, we have begun to execute these activities in cooperation with developmental charitable associations for the pedagogical affair.

B – People of determination, or known as people with special needs

After several studies and experiences, a private curriculum was developed by (SPECIAL KIDS), emerging from the Tripoli Robotics Pedagogical Institution, in collaboration with specialists of  doctors and supervisors for different cases from the  special needs with  Down Syndrome, learning disorders (such as Dyslexia – Reading disorder), communication disorders, Emotional and behavioral disorders (such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, physical disability, Developmental disability and other cases.

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