Skills Development C-2

Skills Development C-2

the Skills Development Bootcamp—an action-packed program designed for kids aged 8 to 15! Over the course of the camp, participants will dive into a diverse array of activities, including Robotics, Drone Coding, Gaming Coding, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality. They’ll enhance their problem-solving skills with Mental Math, experience the wonders of Crazy Science, and develop essential Leadership and Communication skills. Engage in creative expressions through Theater, Art, and Crafts, and tackle strategic thinking with Chess and Rubik’s Cube challenges.

Sports enthusiasts can enjoy Basketball, Football, Volleyball, and Water Games, while Challenge Games offer endless fun and teamwork opportunities. The camp also features interactive cooking sessions and an introduction to الخط العربي (Arabic Calligraphy). Each day is thoughtfully crafted to foster creativity, enhance skills, and provide a fun, dynamic environment for personal growth and exploration. Join us for a transformative summer filled with learning and adventure!

Location: BAU-Tripoli CampusThis camp duration is 7 weeks, 20 days, 80 hoursThis Camp Starts on Monday, July 1,2024

BAU boot camp
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