Holiday Camp(23-24)

Holiday Camp(23-24)

This holiday, join our thrilling camp packed with engaging activities for ages 5 to 14: Robotics, Gaming Coding, VR, Mental Math, Crazy Science, Art & Craft, and Movies! Dive into hands-on robotics projects, create your own games with coding, and explore immersive VR experiences. Sharpen your mind with mental math challenges, experience the wonders of crazy science experiments, and unleash your creativity with art and craft. End each day with fun movie screenings. Designed to spark curiosity and creativity, this camp offers a perfect blend of learning and entertainment for an unforgettable holiday experience!

The duration of the 2 weeks, 8 actual days, 28 hours,
Camps begin on Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Hoilday camp 2023-24
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